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Started by arjanhs, December 23, 2011, 07:41:40 AM

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December 23, 2011, 07:41:40 AM Last Edit: November 03, 2014, 03:45:38 PM by ahendriks
- fixed missing transponder parameters when comparing services
- fixed missing package name UTF-8 conversion in hint details list
- fixed integer error on namespace calculation
- added renaming of bouquets with CTRL+R
- fixed parsing of corrupted lamedb entries
- fixed unicode issues when saving bouquetnames on some systems
- improved Wine compatibility (Wine 1.6.2 recommended)
- OpenSSL security updates
- some GUI improvements
- language file updates
- fixed UTF-8 conversion errors on copy&paste of services/markers
- some GUI improvements
- fixed dreamboxEDIT 4.x.x.x profiles import on first clean startup
- fixed minimizing bug on some systems
- added full unicode support (cyrillic, greek, arabic, chinese, japanese and many more characters)
- added IPv6 support (no telnet available, so some options are also disabled on IPv6)
- added SSL/TLS support (HTTPS and FTPS [only explicit mode])
- added support for data directory per profile with fallback to a global data directory
- added support for streaming services with URL length up to 1000 characters
- added support for new PID cache format (AAC, HE-AAC and AC3+) (DMM and PLi format)
- added support for fastscan / hidden markers (#SERVICE 1:320:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:) (options panel advanced)
- added new filter options for HD and SD (H.264) services
- added parental control file (blacklist/whitelist) reload on service list reload (mode=4)
- added configurable font size for main window lists
- added support for manually added flags to lamedb with length of 1 byte
- added support for display of 50x30 and 220x132 picon size
- added highspeed picon resizing algorithm
- added configurable skin brightness
- added options for hiding toolbar and statusbar
- added completly new video tutorials
- added fullscreen video streaming
  Note:   VLC 2.1.3 is recommended, any other version may or may not result in error messages
- added EPG for currently streamed service
- fixed missing mode=3 (satellites.xml) on auto reload
- fixed error after editing cable transponder data
- improved Wine compatibility (runs on Linux and Mac)
- improved FTP up-/download speed
- general GUI speed improvements
- language file updates
- minor fixes
- code cleanup
- fixed UTF-8 conversion problem on FTP download
- fixed compatibility issues with invalid bouquet files created by Dreamset
- fixed compatibility issues with latest DMM changes
- fixed non-working saturation and hue trackbar in color scheme options
- fixed some window scaling issues
- fixed some wine issues
- fixed window maximizing bug on startup
- added assign and remove of picons in main service list
- fixed color issues in compare dialog
- fixed zapping on Enigma1 boxes
- added new skin: Office 2013 Blue
- added transponder (satellites.xml) reload on service list reload
- fixed bouquetnames are now also written in UTF-8 on export
- fixed usage of profile picon path in service details
- added new skins: AlterMetro, GPlus
- some minor fixes
- added support for extended session-based security (WebInterface 1.7.4 and higher)
- added support for simple anti-hijack measures (WebInterface 1.7.3 and higher)
- added new error message when using picon cleanup function and an invalid filename was detected
- added paste from clipboard (E2 settings format), just copy&paste streaming services to your userbouquets
- fixed service type display issue
- fixed some localisation issues with cyrillic letters
- some language file updates
- fixed duplicate service detection for streaming services
- fixed support for streaming services with full reference and missing #DESCRIPTION
- fixed function clear "N" and "X" flags for selected services(s) in context menu
- fixed function toggle parental lock in context menu
- fixed function set keep flag in context menu
- fixed filter for "only new" services, some services were missing if other flags were set
- compare window state is now saved
- some minor fixes
- added parental lock for streaming services (hope I didn't break anything with that change)
- added support for streaming services with missing #DESCRIPTION line in userbouquet files
- added streaming services to the userbouquet import function
- added automatic streaming URL conversion for "StreamingStar's URL Helper" format
- added ZAP to service before streaming to the streaming options panel (useful for single tuner receivers)
- changed VLC streaming behaviour, VLC is disabled by default now, activate it in the streaming options panel
  Note:   VLC 2.0.4 is recommended, any other version may or may not result in error messages
   the VLC installation directory set in the options panel is now used first and
   the automatically detected installation directory of VLC from the registry is used afterwards
- fixed error message when clearing all "N" and "X" flags while using filter "only new"
- fixed error message when clearing all parental locks while using filter "only locked"
- some minor fixes
- fixed error message in empty bouquet area when opening the context menu
- some language file updates
- fixed picon upload
- added support for streaming services (non TS based IPTV/Radio services) in userbouquets
- added menu for adding/editing of streaming services
- added video streaming support for all box types
- added new filter options for only new and only locked services
- added option to re-enable the old style path selection dialog
- added configurable local picons path per profile, if no path is defined the global local picon path is used
- added deletion of temporary picon.zip after picon upload
- added new skins: Deep, iOS dark, MacOS2, Mint, NextAlpha, Subway, Toxic, Windows 8, WMP 2008, Zest
- added fix for the missing context menu in edit boxes
- added new hints (no more flickering)
- re-enabled the export of cable services/bouquets in Excel readable format
  Note: re-import of cable services/bouquets is not possible, all cable services will be skipped on re-import
- fixed path selection dialog translation
- fixed timeout issue with enabled active service/volume control/signal strength display
- fixed error message while creating bouquet for one satellite
- fixed error when sorting cable and terrestrial services in the compare window
- some minor fixes
- added configurable background color for transparent picons
- added transliteration support for cyrillic letters (only russian)
- added transliteration support for greek letters
- added option to enable/disable transliteration
- fixed some problems with very long servicenames
- added new hints in main list, now with bouquet references
- fixed application closing after canceling
- fixed error message after dropping service on current bouquet
- fixed main service list refresh after selection of another bouquet
- changed QuickFTP buttons to avoid further confusions
- fixed hiding QuickFTP buttons if disabled in options
- some minor fixes
- fixed streaming for WebInterface 1.7.0 and higher
- fixed compatibility problems when running dreamboxEDIT under wine
  Note: skinning support is automatically disabled, Wine 1.3.34 or higher is mandatory
- some language file updates
- added completly new GUI with skinning support
- added transparency to crypto icon in main service list
- added transparency to dummy picon in bouquet panel
- added configurable color marker for selected services
- added proper handling of renamed alternatives
- added warning message if multibouquet is disabled on your dreambox
- added signal strength indicator
- fixed renumbering channel numbers after using "sort alphabetically" from context menu
- fixed when sorting by frequency now also sorting by polarisation is applied
- fixed problem with missing objects (service counter, profile selection)
- fixed cut&paste services with alternatives
- fixed saving of current profile when options panel is closed
- integrated language tool (Help -> Language Tool)
- removed LanguageTool.exe from installation package
- removed outdated help files
- language files updated
- some minor fixes
The the following features are only supported on genuine Dreamboxes with Enigma2-Images based on Release 3.2 or higher
- full support for filtering of encrpyted services is now enabled
- full support for streaming services in userbouquets
- added video streaming support
  Note:   VLC 1.1.11 or higher is required, the installation directory is detected automatically, if you are using
        a portable version set the VLC installation directory in the options panel.
- added support for taking snapshots of currently played stream
- fixed problem with profile selection in options panel
- fixed missing parameters for cable settings after Enigma1->Enimga2 conversion

<<oudere versiehistorie bewust weg gelaten, niet meer relevant>>


'k had hem zelf ook al gedownload (nieuwe henksat settings he)... mooi hoor!


Quote from: ahendriks on December 28, 2011, 06:32:37 PM
'k had hem zelf ook al gedownload (nieuwe henksat settings he)... mooi hoor!

Heb hem nog niet geprobeerd, maar ga het zeker binnenkort doen, of ik moet wachten tot de volgende versie van henksat weer verschijnt :-) is het enige moment dat ik dreamboxEDIT gebruik.


voor mij ook... of bij de boxen van iemand anders...
deze nieuwe versie heeft een complete andere lay-out... het happy-lama deel van het programma is er helemaal uit gehaald nu...


Quote from: ahendriks on December 30, 2011, 08:42:22 PM
voor mij ook... of bij de boxen van iemand anders...
deze nieuwe versie heeft een complete andere lay-out... het happy-lama deel van het programma is er helemaal uit gehaald nu...

OK, en is dit een verbetering tov de oudere versies?


hij doet het goed ja...
ik doe er niet zoveel mee, maar de lay-out is wel prettiger geworden voor de ogen...


January 04, 2012, 01:46:05 PM #6 Last Edit: January 04, 2012, 01:52:24 PM by arjanhs
Quote from: ahendriks on January 04, 2012, 10:35:42 AM
ik doe er niet zoveel mee, maar de lay-out is wel prettiger geworden voor de ogen...

Gelijk maar even getest, ziet er inderdaad aardig uit, nu maar weer wachten tot ik hem kan gebruiken :-)

Het is trouwens een skin die hem leuk maakt, en deze is aan te passen.


Klopt, de skinning mogelijkheid is nieuw in versie 5...


Quote from: ahendriks on January 05, 2012, 09:11:01 AM
Klopt, de skinning mogelijkheid is nieuw in versie 5...

Het ziet er in ieder geval een stuk beter uit.


Ik heb de nieuwste versie in de topic start geplaatst, v5.2.0.0...


Dat blijft maar door gaan, steeds weer nieuwe versies :-)


zo, weer een nieuwe versie er ingehangen...


versie erop gezet...


Wederom een update van dit geweldige programma, ondertussen zitten we op v6.0.1.1... Zie topic start post voor de download...